Focusing Your Attention

Good Morning my friends,

It so easy to get caught into the trap of focusing your attention on somewhere else besides God. In the Spring of 2012, Keri & I started praying for God to open door & opportunities so that we could start LAST 24 MINISTRIES and then move forward on holding Disciple of Thunder Family Conferences across the nation. We prayed for months for a blessing. Four or five months after we started praying I had breakfast with one of my best friends and were talking about business and markets were hot and on the verge of exploding.. Before our breakfast was over we had created a company, business plan, and a vision all on a napkin. AppYea was born… Keri & I believe that God blessed us with AppYea Inc.. This blessing hasn’t been an overnight jolt but instead it has is taken time and patience. I have to admit there has been a HUGE LEARNING curves. It has taken time & effort but we believe God placed it in our life to make sure that I am ready and in a totally different place mentally for when it’s time to reap the harvest.. God has blessed me many times with financial blessings but they always became my focus. Each time it became only about the money and never about paying it forward, blessing others, giving back or living a Godly life. My focus has remain on Him. My dependence for guidance & direction remains on Him. The remainder of my life will be about how God changed me and how He blessed my life. I want to bless people & change lives thru Greenleaf, AppYea, Deo Volente Holdings, LAST 24 MINISTRIES, Disciple of Thunder Family Conferences and my daily living. The Cross was a blessing of grace given by God to ALL and I want to do doing as much as I can to bring Him honor & glory.

“Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always.”(1 Chronicles 16:11)

I have saved my greatest desire for seeking God. God is constantly guiding & communication with me in my journey. To find God and hear His voice, I had to first learn to seek Him above all else. I realized that anything that I desired to seek more than God is an idol and when I was determined to get my own way, I was taking God from being first in my mind. Instead of single-mindedly pursuing some goal, I now talk with God about it. I let the Light of His Presence shine on each pursuit, so that I can see it from His perspective. If my goal fits into His plans for me then He will gradually strengthen the desire in my heart. Seek Him first and foremost and then the rest of my life will fall into place, piece by piece.

“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”(Matthew 6:33)

My CHALLENGE PRAYER for YOU… Don’t allow your focus to be drawn away from THE CROSS…

I hope you all have a FABULOUS day… Blessings & much love….D

Live your life like it’s your LAST 24!!


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